Speech and Language

What is the difference from traditional home health Speech Therapy and this new program?
The Mission at Bowes In Home Care has always been to be innovative and be forward thinking in our delivery of quality patient care. We consider the ability to interact with our loved ones and communicate as one of the most valued daily functions that we all take for granted. With that Bowes In Home Care is proud to have worked to develop this program that allows a true return to independence to those that are in need.
What Disorders is Bowes In Home Care able treat?
Our team of SLPs are trained to help clients with problems in three key areas:
Articulation: Articulation disorders involve issues such as substitution of one sound for another, slurring of speech, or indistinct speech.
Fluency: how sounds, syllables, words, and phrases flow together when speaking. These types of disorders include cluttering (too-rapid speech with an odd rhythm) and stuttering (spasmatic pauses followed by a “spillage” of words all at once).
Voice: Voice difficulties include coarse voice—can be caused by nodules or polyps on the vocal cords often associated with pain
Aphasia: Commonly caused by stroke or head trauma, aphasia is an inability to understand or produce language because of damage to certain areas of the brain
Language-based learning disabilities: neurological issues which impact basic skills like listening, reasoning, speaking, reading, and writing.
Pragmatics: a difficulty understanding social cues and etiquette, such as turn-taking
Hearing loss: hearing loss can be common, but we can develop lip-reading skills and other alternative forms of communication.
Hearing loss: hearing loss can be common, but we can develop lip-reading skills and other alternative forms of communication.
Swallowing: Swallowing and feeding are also issues impacting one’s quality of life. Known as ‘dysphagia’, a swallowing disorder can have serious consequences, such as poor nutrition and unhealthy weight loss. Untreated it can lead to the need for institutional care